Saturday, May 2, 2009

My adventure in "the jungle"

I went on an adventure yesterday.
I weeded (wed? haha. idk) my "jungle"

Okay, it's not really a jungle, but i call it the jungle because it looks (yes, it still does look like a jungle) like one!

It was a lot harder than i thought it would be.
Because i wasn't sure what i could or couldn't take out, and my mom was at work so i really had no idea what were weeds and if she would kill me if i took the wrong thing out...
I did get a really pretty picture of a flower, though. It's really nice and i really love it.


It was so hard! not going to lie.
But it was a lot of fun to listen to music while i weeded the jungle.
Also, some people gave me weird looks when I was doing it too, like all of the little kids playing outside, hahaha.
Probably because i was rocking out to my music while i did it. ha ha.

Yeah, but i passed out after ha ha.
And then i started writing a short story.
Okay, more like came up with names and then drew pictures of them
and their links... :)

Oh my goodness! Text from miranda!
"Good noon"
i love that girl.

Okay, well, i think i'm going to go draw pictures now.
even though i can't draw hahahahahah.
Yepp. Goodbye world.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

haha i love you too ^-^