Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homecoming and Sadies!

Hey guys!
So homecoming was basically amazing!!!
When kaden puts the pictures up, I'll put some on a post so you can see.
The guys took us on Trax to the Gateway mall. It was so fun! We went to california pizza kitchen, too :D
The dance was awesome too!!!

Speaking of dance!
Sadies is in Nov, and I asked David :D
If he says yes, that will be fun. Idk what we're going to do yet though. I think i'm in a group with aranda :D That will be fun :D
Hmm... :D

GLEE GLEE GLEE. I love that show. And I got "take a bow" from that today. I love it. :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Put your shoulder to the high on a mountain top.

Happy sunday everybody!
Has yours been wonderful because mine has!
Haha, last night I had a dream that I got married to my best friend David. BAHAHA That will probably never happen.
Because we don't like each other.
And we're like brother and sister.
Speaking of "brother and sister"... actually I won't tell you. Too embarassing.
Okay so announcement! I'm going to see if Rickkieninja.blogspot yadda yadda yadda is available and if so i'm going to change it. Because lifeinsideateenagehippo.blogspot is kind of long and my mom can't remember it :P
Okay yeah.
I'll keep you posted on that.
I have one hundred dollars
WAIT I told you that.
WAIT did I write last night.
I feel really disoriented.
:P oops.
Okay talk to you later guys! I love ya!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I officially have an income now! Because I have a job!
It doesn't pay much, but it still friggin' rocks!!! So my mom set me up with a Checking and Savings account and so now i feel all growed up and stuff. (:
I officially have a hundred dollars :D
I feel so amazing.
I know it's not a lot, but it's a lot more than I've ever had. Litterally. Well, if you think about it, if I would have saved all of my allowances for about 3 years (assuming I had the same amount all those years, so lets say 35 dollars each month, so three years would be 36 months so 35x36) I would have 1,260. So about enough to buy a Mac computer.
I wish I was more frugal with my money three years ago like I am now... But it's not like I wasted ALL of it on useless junk that's probably already in the trash or hidden in my hope chest. I bought a phone with about half a year worth of that money. I bet I bought other stuff that I use still. Probably not... Darn. Haha.
But anyways, I'm pretty excited about this 100 dollars saved thing :). Maybe I'll buy a Mac before I get to saving for college. Which I should be doing. But a Mac is something I can use when I'm in college so it's not like it's a waste of my money...?
I don't know :)
Maybe I'll just start saving for college and somehow win a free macintosh computer in the mix. That. would. rock.
I love macs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Busy busy busy! I?

so really, i don't feel like i'm busy. I feel like i'm doing better at life because i have a life. No joke. I'm not sitting around all day. I'm contributing to my life and everything....
Grrr. I wish people could understand that.