Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stake Dances

Can either be really fun, or just plain horrible.

I've had experiences of both. Mostly horrible ones, lol.
The last two stake dances I went to, I had a good time, though.
The one before tonights, I got asked to Winter Ball :D

And this one was just really fun :D
David and I just did interpretative dance during one of the slow songs, haha.
That's always fun with David.

And you know what's one of the most fun parts about Stake Dances?
When you're burning up so badly that you decide to go outside with friends for "fifteen minutes" to cool down, and you end up sitting out there for the next hour. I just think that's really fun, because you get to talk about a lot of things, and you can hear your friends, and you usually end up laughing so hard you have to go to the bathroom.

Well, that depends on the group you're with, but today it was nearly like that.

I love stake dances. :)

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