Tuesday, September 30, 2008


What's crackin'?

I'm sick. Blech. But i'm going to school tomorrow. I love english, gym (how can i love gym? I used to hate it... odd), ballroom, spanish, AND drama.
And I can't miss it because we have NIGHT OF SHAKESPEARE tomorrow night, and my group that i'm directing really needs to get it polished :)
and now i'm in the scene, so yeah.
Speaking of scene, i need to go make holes in my jeans for the other scene i'm in. :)

DUDE! I played Amped 3 all day today. It was so much fun. I beat it about 15 minutes after my brothers got home from work/school. I started it 2 days ago, and had NO time both days before today. But now i'm really tired from staring at a TV all day. It's also because i'm very sleep deprived, and it doesn't help that I can't sleep past 8/9 on weekends. This sucks. :(
oh well, i like getting up early, actually. I love riding my bike at 10. It's just so refreshing... Even though my brother brought the white bike over to our neighbor's house and never brought it back. WTC?! Oh well.

So i have to go do the jeans now. So have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


So there's been some changes.
Some for the good, some for the worse.
I think the good ones are immensely smaller than the worse ones.
Like, my best friend in fifth grade has change SO much...
and i miss him...

But I know i'm going to have a good bday morning. I'm in ballroom and i LOVE it! I'm finally getting better at following and not leading myself.
It's great ^_^
Maybe i'll try out for the team.
I kind of want to do fencing though.
Who knows... :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm really bored.

I should be doing homework, but I don't feel like it.
So I watch this Youtube guy named Dan Brown. I think he is the funniest guy on youtube that I have seen. (Keyword Guy :D)

Uhm... There was something I wanted to tell you.
So we had family dinner last night, where we have the cousins (or aunts and uncles but they don't live here) over and we eat dinner. :D Pretty obvious. So anyways. I had my AMAZING skull candy Headphones on the coffee table and my cousin Brian came in. And he saw the Headphones and he asked "So do you like skull candy?" and I said "Heck yes, they're amazing." And he said "I'm best friends with the guys who created them, so I should bring some buds over for you." and I was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! He said he gets hooked up with a bunch of gear and that he'd be happy to give me some. It's awesome.

AND IT RAINED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy.
My best friend (okay, that's starting to offend people. One of my best friends) and I stood out in the rain and smiled. We were so happy :D I love rain.
You have no idea.
See, I come from a state where it used to rain all the time (I'm not talking about washington rain, just more rain than here) and I loved it :D
And today, it was cold rain. And it was amazing.

:D I'm so happy now. My day's just been good.

Do you like rain? Do you like the sun? The Snow? How about the leaves falling? I would LOVE to know :D

Friday, September 12, 2008

There's a chello player in my room.

And her name is Ariel.
We're having a sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha we went riding bikes today at like 7, and we decided we were going to go hang out with david because he never came over (it turns out he couldn't), so we were like "we're coming to visit you." and he was like "cool, Derek's here so come over." and we did. Then we jumped on the trampoline and I almost kicked Ariel's head off. Oops haha. it was actually really fun.
Then we had hot chocolate and watched Avitar. That show is so demented... Ha.
When we got home we watched Baby Mama.
I fell asleep but I've seen it before and i LOVE it. Yeah, Ariel kept waking me up by laughing... and Derek was texting me.
Haha, i didn't tell this to ariel yet, but when I was nodding off, i kept hearing the sound of my phone and the alert when i get a text. So I got all paranoid that I was missing a bunch of texts and that my friend was going to kill me.

I'm so weird.
Now ariel's drawing something and she won't tell me what it is.
Before she was drawing a chello.
But now she's done with that, and moved on to something else; with my awesome headphones (thor) on top of her head with no music, because my ipod's in my Found Ihome.

Did I ever tell you I found my Ihome?
Yeah. i did.
It was on the other side of my bed for some reason.
It was so flipping weird.

Hellogoodbye is a good band. :D

So, I just realized that my blog is pretty bland. it has no pictures or ANYTHING. So maybe I'll add pictures randomly. :D That would be amazing. :O

Okay, so, yeah, i'm going to go mess with facebook :D


Sunday, September 7, 2008


And i thought music could be my only love in life, but spore proved me wrong. 

P.s. If you read this Platypus, I LOVE YOUR FAMILY TREE!

Okay, well, sorry this is so short, but I'm gonna go watch my shows.  :D  Later.

SPORE.  Check it out.