Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm really bored.

I should be doing homework, but I don't feel like it.
So I watch this Youtube guy named Dan Brown. I think he is the funniest guy on youtube that I have seen. (Keyword Guy :D)

Uhm... There was something I wanted to tell you.
So we had family dinner last night, where we have the cousins (or aunts and uncles but they don't live here) over and we eat dinner. :D Pretty obvious. So anyways. I had my AMAZING skull candy Headphones on the coffee table and my cousin Brian came in. And he saw the Headphones and he asked "So do you like skull candy?" and I said "Heck yes, they're amazing." And he said "I'm best friends with the guys who created them, so I should bring some buds over for you." and I was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! He said he gets hooked up with a bunch of gear and that he'd be happy to give me some. It's awesome.

AND IT RAINED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy.
My best friend (okay, that's starting to offend people. One of my best friends) and I stood out in the rain and smiled. We were so happy :D I love rain.
You have no idea.
See, I come from a state where it used to rain all the time (I'm not talking about washington rain, just more rain than here) and I loved it :D
And today, it was cold rain. And it was amazing.

:D I'm so happy now. My day's just been good.

Do you like rain? Do you like the sun? The Snow? How about the leaves falling? I would LOVE to know :D


BrItTaNy said...

hey, ugh, so im kinda like bored and just waiting for alecia to call me, so i was messing around online. yeah, rain is freaking amazing!!! It makes me so happy inside, sigh, but yeah, i wish it would rain all the time here, it would make me happy. sigh! life is annying just so you know!

snow is nice too, except when you have the inbetween time when it doesn't want to snow, but it doesnt want to warm up or turn green either, and its all brown. i hate that.

the sun is nice sometimes, but most of the time it just bugs me.

well this was random. i guess im just trying to distract myself.

ok.. bye!

Courtney Hufflepuff said...

i'm going to move to washington so i'm near the rain :)