Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm back at school.

So like, last night my cousins from BYU (eliza and her BF, and Katie and Keith) and Becca and Dawn and Steve; and stacy!  came to our house for a "family dinner."  It was a lot of fun, really!  I sat with becca, jake (eliza's bf), zach, stacy, and eliza when we ate pizza, and then after all of the parents went to the living room and all of the cousins and aaron and bonnie and i played games!  So fun!

Haha, we were going to play frisbee but it was really cold, and so... When Aaron was in the bathroom, we all decided to hide from him (me, bonnie, jake, eliza, and becca).  We were just hiding by the laundry room and the pantry, but when Becca went into the pantry, we all did.  It got really hot, so we got out eventually.  It was fun though!!
Then all of the cousins played Signs; then animal signs; then we attempted playing mafia, but... heh heh heh... didn't work.  So we played hands.  Then we played betty buttons and "I can draw the moon" SO FUNN!  Then everyone left... *sob*  
All in all it was A WHOLE BUNDLE OF FUN!  and stacy's staying for a little while.  I's excited.!

I like blogging durning schoooooool!


But she can't find her ipod :(  
oh well.
in a good way >.<

I'm going to check out aaron's blog now.  LATER.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stolen Rings and Orange Stuff

I stole Paul's ring today.

I still have it. :)

I took it, he took my gatorade, my chucks, and my glasses... and my book. He originally got the shoe because i threw it at him as an attempted plea for my gatorade to be back, but i decided 'hey! if he has that one, why not have the other one!' So, he had my shoes for a while.

It was nice. :)

I got my book (and my other shoe) back eventually before the bell rang... Not my gatorade. Eh, like i say, no use crying over stolen gatorade.

Okay, i've got to stop using that kind of 'phrase.'

*Sneeze* Eww. Colds. Gross.

Oh welll, i've still got the ring. :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spilled Milk, anyone?

Didn't make it. Oh well.

No use crying over spilled milk, you know?

I'm more focused on a question that's been flowing through my mind lately;

Am I invisible?

I seriously think i am, because no authority figure takes me seriously...





I might not be, i'm just probably in that one slump that you get when you don't make something you REALLY wanted to be in...

you know?

I think what really keeps hitting me hard, was that someone said "This person really wanted to get in, but she didn't. i feel bad for her." And all i could think about was 'how do you think i feel? I wanted to be in ballroom SO bad, i was giving my ALL. and i don't do that much.'


Okay, i'm done venting.

On a good note, we went to the space center yesterday! It was SO fun. i loved it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So ballroom Try-outs are today, and i'm so nervous i could DIE. Of course, my nervous/excited brain decided to wake me up at 6.

The Try-outs are at 8. Oh well.
Now i have time to write in my blog! Okay, here goes it!

I'm experimenting today, trying to get pics on my blog, i'm not very good at this. haha.
So lets try it! IT works! Okay, yah.
I miss my red hair, because i know that's either when my red hair was fading, or when i first dyed it ^_^
I so funny. I think i'm going to dye my hair again soon because i think red works well for me. I just need to get my contacts again, and i'll be like before i got new glasses!

Which eventually, the lens kept popping out and out over and over and OVER again, so we got it re-cut, and it's all good! That was on the same day i got my learners!

Wait, did i tell you i got my learners?! Oh my gosh, i'm so amazed that i passed the test. My face is so ugly in the picture, though. hahaha.