Saturday, September 19, 2009


I officially have an income now! Because I have a job!
It doesn't pay much, but it still friggin' rocks!!! So my mom set me up with a Checking and Savings account and so now i feel all growed up and stuff. (:
I officially have a hundred dollars :D
I feel so amazing.
I know it's not a lot, but it's a lot more than I've ever had. Litterally. Well, if you think about it, if I would have saved all of my allowances for about 3 years (assuming I had the same amount all those years, so lets say 35 dollars each month, so three years would be 36 months so 35x36) I would have 1,260. So about enough to buy a Mac computer.
I wish I was more frugal with my money three years ago like I am now... But it's not like I wasted ALL of it on useless junk that's probably already in the trash or hidden in my hope chest. I bought a phone with about half a year worth of that money. I bet I bought other stuff that I use still. Probably not... Darn. Haha.
But anyways, I'm pretty excited about this 100 dollars saved thing :). Maybe I'll buy a Mac before I get to saving for college. Which I should be doing. But a Mac is something I can use when I'm in college so it's not like it's a waste of my money...?
I don't know :)
Maybe I'll just start saving for college and somehow win a free macintosh computer in the mix. That. would. rock.
I love macs.


Stacey said...

So wait, where do you work? I can't believe how grown up you are!

Ashley Sanborn said...

Apple has a deal for college students every September where if you buy a Mac, you get a free iPod. Are you in any concurrent enrollment classes? 'Cause that counts as being a college student. :3

Courtney Hufflepuff said...

I work for my neighbor with her pddnos kid.
it's hard but fun. :)

That's really cool but i didn't sign up for concurrent.
too lazy