Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I should probably mention...

Jared asked me. (:
just thought you'd like to know.


So guess who's going to winter ball?! ME! I'm so excited.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Matt Nathanson, meet your new iPod.

I used my itunes giftcard today. The first thing I bought, without hesitation, was the Matt Nathanson cd, Some Mad Hope. I have wanted that cd for a pretty long time. I also got the song "Please Dont Tell Her" by Jason Mraz. And "my stupid mouth" by John Mayer. And new shoes by Paulo nutini. And new soul by yael naim. And beautiful disaster by John mclughlin. And bad romance by lady gaga.
I don't know why I like that song it's just an indulgance (:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting hopes up.

I speak today on behalf of ALL girls' hopes and dreams. There once was a girl named... Julie. Julie liked a lot of things, one of them would be boys. Now, Julie had never had a boyfriend, but she wanted one really bad. She met a boy named Tim and they became friends. One day, while Julie and Tim were hanging out with their mutual friend, Patrick, Patrick made an unusual comment about how Julie and Tim flirted too much. When Patrick said that, Julie got emabarrassed for Patrick knew Julie liked Tim.
When she went home she started thinking "maybe he likes me back." and she Git her hopes up that something might happen. Now, Julie went to Patrick and told him to tell Tim and to tell her what Tim thought.
Nothing. He was honored, but he did not like her back.
Julie's hopes were so high raised, that they came down in hard like it had been dropped off a bridge with out it's bungee cord.
She vowed to herself that she would never get her hopes up like that ever again.
And she didn't... For about a year.
Until GEORGE showed up. Julie had known George for about six months, and she never really realized how decent of a guy he was until She, Tim, and George were hanging out. He let down all of his guards there. And she realized she might like him.
And one of her friends keep getting her hopes up.

Now, I do not know the outcome of this story. But it leads me up to a good matter. Your hopes and dreams. If you get your hopes up, be willing to live with any outcome you get. It might be exactly what you wanted, and great! You might get it but not realize the true thing about it, but that's ok! You just find something new you would care about. Or you might nit get what you wanted, but don't he sad. Your time will come sometime. It may be in the near future, it may be in the late future. But, if you neverput your hopesup and chase for that dream, you will never know. If you have a desire for something, go out for it. Don't just wish and think about what could have been. I know i'm not the best example of this method, but I'm working on it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Happy!

Hi there everyone... If anybody reads this.
This has been a very nice Christmas, I think.
Jake got what he wanted and a leopard gecko,
I got the Ipod touch I wanted and two cook-
books ("Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by
Julia Child and "Good Eats: The Early Years" by
my favorite tv chef, Alton Brown). Mom, like
always, went above and beyond and got us
more presents than we thought we were getting.

It was a really good Christmas. I loved talking
to Zach' and it was fun having Bonnie and Aaron
Herrmann over for a little bit.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aerodynamics and Paper Planes.

No, that has nothing to do with my life right now. Frankly, I was going to come up with some really deep way to work it into my blog, but my mind's not working like that.
I mean, today I was told that my "venting" is hilarious. Which means, the way I talk makes people laugh.
I have no problem with that, don't get me wrong.
I just wish sometimes people would take me seriously when I'm trying to be serious (But I do have to admit that saying "Other than the fact that they are handsome and are a key factor for 'replenishing' the human race, boys suck" is a funny thing).
I love being funny and I love when people laugh at my jokes...

But is that all I am?
Am I going to be cursed with a funny attribute, doomed for all eternity, longing to be an actress or a good enough writer... or just good at something other than being funny?
Because, I have the qualities of an actress, right? I love doing it, and I don't completely suck...
Do I?

I don't know. I do want to try out for Drama 4 (and frankly, I don't really mind if I don't make it into MDT because I really like straight plays with no singing. Although I like the singing and dancing AND acting part of it all, I think straight plays can bring forth so much emotion that, sometimes, musicals cannot) but I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid to audition because if I do, I might not make it in. But then I'd lose that experience to grow on my acting.
I don't know...

I just don't want to be just the funny person anymore.

I think that's why I've been immersing myself into theater lately, because I love it so much. I love being a part of such a bigger thing, and not being a spectator in the audience. Because I'm not Courtney Huffman anymore. I'm a person living their life.
I want to be in tech because I love learning. I love knowing things that I would never knew three years ago, because I was just a weird thirteen year-old girl who thought she knew everything there is to know about theater. I'm so clearly mistaken. I learn new things everyday that I'll keep with me for a lifetime. And I've found out how to be patient. And that's a really hard thing for me to do, if you haven't noticed.

I don't know. I think I just need to get over my fear of failure, because I'll never get anywhere with it looming on my shoulders.
Maybe if I take that first step and try out for Drama 4/Ballroom/MDT, it will go away.
I mean, I tried out for a solo in Choir the other day. I wasn't too nervous. That's the first step.

These teachers here at Lehi High bestow so much self-confidence and courage to do what you don't want to do. I love it, because in ninth grade, I would have NEVER tried out for MDT. I mean, I tried out for Charlie Brown... but that's another story. I was okay with failing. I knew I was going to.
It hurt really bad when I didn't get in Princess and the Pea, but that's because it was a straight play.
But I think I've improved since then.

I really could relate Aerodynamics somehow to this blog, but it's not worth my time, or yours. So goodbye.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Epic? No, it's just me.

I haven't been feeling my best lately.
And I'm not saying I am sick. I'm just saying I haven't been feeling my best. I think it's because I'm just sad that I don't get to do the things that I truely adore. Whether that's ballroom, or musical theater and drama 4(but I do agree, that's because I never tried out for those, or getting to have the opportunity to do Joseph at the Junior High. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for David and Jared. I just kind of wish I had that opportunity. Oh well.
I'm definitely trying out for ballroom this year. It's whether or not I make it, how happy I will be.
I wish I had never broken promises.
I wish I had the courage to try the things I love.
I wish I wasn't such a horrible friend sometimes.
I wish I was actually good at writing stories or essays and being an english teacher.
I wish I wasn't so annoyed with people all the time.
I wish...
I wish for so many things, I'm greedy. I know I should enjoy the life I have, but when you see your friends excell in all the things they do and you're just the girl that likes cleaning (and doesn't do well in school or has some amazing talent), it's really hard.
REALLY hard.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just a little proud

It's not the best grammar or anything, but seriously... I love this paragraph. it's kind of amazing.
"In America, we go all out with decorations. We get a gigantic tree and put a star on top, not to mention the strings of colorful lights, the red and round ornaments, the popcorn garland, and that tinsle that falls off and gets all over your floor (it’s white, sparkly, and annoying. We all know what I’m talking about right now). On top of that, we have our snowmen with little scarves, our stockings, our outdoor lights, our multiple Santa paintings and statuettes, maybe and advent calendar or two, and a few cute little candy cane holders. I mean, who doesn’t go all out this holiday?"

Okay seriously, does that not make you happy?