Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Superboy and the Invisible Girl.

"I wish I could fly. And magically appear and disappear. I wish I could fly, I'd fly far away from here. Take a look at the invisible girl, here she is, clear as the day. Please look closely, and find her before she fades away..."
I really love the musical "Next to Normal."
It swears a lot... But it has so many life lessons...
And it relates to life REALLY well.
I love it. :D

So something made my day today. I hugged my brother today, because he didn't say hi to me, and when I came home, mom told me that I had made his day. And because I had made his day, it made my day.
It inspires me to really make an effort to love my brother, no matter how much we butt heads. :D

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dear Earth,

Dear Earth,
You have brought me so many beautiful memories of the spring breeze blowing the hair out of my face, the spring sun that's never too hot, but always perfect, the springy grass that I get to run on during the spring. You presented me with the feeling of the type of coldness you get when you sled for three hours; how your nose is so frozen, you don't know if it's there anymore. You've provided the beautiful flowers that grace us with their presence and invite bugs. You jut the mountains out at just the right place, but you keep them down in others. You have millions of trees that provide (oxygen (: )a shelter or tree house for little kids (and sometimes teens) to play in.
But on top of that, you bring us life. The ability to walk around, to play, to laugh, to love. You keep us happy, you make us sad (Because winter isn't always the happiest season).
But how do you feel this? Do you feel the happiness from little kids playing hide and seek as they hide in the neighbor's bushes? Do you feel pain for those inflicted on your soul that were wounded in a war? Do you grieve for your fallen forests that you took centuries to nourish and make, to save living creatures that only live there?
Do you weep tears of joy when you feel another baby tree grow?
Do you weep tears of sadness when one is lost?
Do you wonder why people leave their trash on the ground?
Do you feel anger for all of the landfills on your precious self?
You've brought us great things, and the best thing we can do, is to repay you with such gratitude...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pillow cases

So I embroidered my brother,s nickname on a piece of fabric for a pillow today. We call him Elder Awesome, and in Spanish it is Elder Asombroso. It's so cool. It made me really want to make a pillow case. So I designed one about fifteen minutes ago, and it has my name and a quote. I picked something that I say all the time and something that has a lot of the way that I talk.

"Dear David, today I saw you and I was like 'whoa it's david'. True story. Love, Courtney. P.s. You smell good"
I mean, is that not me, or what?? Lol. I got it approved by David.
Granted, it is not an easy thing to do, and it will take a while. But I am so excited (:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear stupid people of Lehi. Utah

Dear stupid people of Lehi, Utah.  ARE YOU SERIUS?? You threaten us with a bomb, locking us in the school, no food and hardly anything to do, and YOU THREATEN US WITH A BOMB?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! What has pushed so you so far over the edge that you would pit a bomb in a school? Did you have to pee and your teacher wouldn't let you go? Did you fail your math class? Were you so bored in your class that you decided "I hate this." But why did you take it our on us, the humble studets of lehi high school?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My New Years Resolution.

My Cousin Stacey inspired me.
I just want to get them out and in the interweb so maybe I'll actually do them.

1. I want to try out for everything I know I love. I don't want to live in fear of failure, because everything I do will make me stronger.
a. this means Drama 4, Encore, Musical Theater, Ballroom.
b. I want to be on dance team, but I don't think I'm good enough to do that. I only started doing any form of dance last year.
2. I want to lose weight. Or at least be fit enough that I don't gasp for breath after a short sprint.
3. Good grades. I don't do that very well, but I really want to be a great student. I hate having bad grades.
4. I want to be less dramatic. Yes, I am a drama kid, but I don't want to get worked up about things like somebody not answering my question after asking them a thousand and one times. Or getting extremely sad because I keep losing my iPod. It's not cool.
5. Learn how to drive on the highway.

On a smaller note... Actually, it's quite big...

Have you ever wondered what people do when they drive home at night? If you could see what they're doing instead of just looking at a black window because of the lights?
Really, I know there has got to be one texting,
one chatting with an invisible person aloud,
maybe one screaming at every other car.
And I bet there's one that dances like a crazy person while listening to "Tick tock" by Kesha.

So really, what if all of us could see each other? Do you think we'd act that way? Probably not.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bulletproof Weeks

I decided if I'm listening to music (which I usually am,) and I don't have a title to put this as, I'll put the song title. :) What a good idea :D
So I really don't have much to say...

I have no life right now.
And I'm happy. :)
I'm usually in a bad mood when I write these, but right now, I am happy.
The only problem is that I have a meeting at 10 tomorrow.
Dreading, dreading, dreading.

Friday, January 1, 2010

4 am.

I have been able to sleep very well. I can't sleep until 4 am anymore. What's really odd is that my parents were up until that late/early including my Aunt. It was so bizzare. See, I'd be okay with it if I was sleeping in my room, but my Aunt was there so I was in the family room.