Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A random post on a random day

i wore my favorite shirt today. And i'm glad i did. I was in a bad mood and so this shirt explained it to everyone. It says ''don't bother me, i'm crabby'' HAH! and people thought i was kidding about the shirt, but no... i wasn't.

Today at lunch, i was telling my friends a story and they all ignored me and left.
and in ballroom, only 2 guys willingly asked me to dance, the others were forced because i was the only one in that row that they hadn't asked.
And i dropped my ipod.
And i forgot my binder for Spanish.
AND i decided that i'm one of those friends that are nice to talk to, but not good to hang out with. Seriously. I sit in my house on friday and saturday nights with nobody calling or texting me saying "hey you want to hang out?" and then i come back to school monday morning and hear about all the spectacular things my friends did together over the weekend. It drives me crazy.
I also decided i'm not going to date. That's the thing i'm not going to do, because i have a gut feeling that people wont ask me. ever. So why bother?

Ugh.. Today sucked. a lot. I'm not sugar coating it anymore. It just sucked.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Boys are Confusing

Why do boys love to dazzle us?


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sundays rock!

Today charlie and I shoveled the walkway at church, it was fun. charlie had the salt and i had the shovel and charlie would skip around and spray the salt. It was funny. We were soon accompanied by Junior so i held the door open while Charlie salted and junior shoveled. It's so much fun doing stuff like that ^_^

My Head is Going to Explode
by Courtney Huffman.

My head is filled with lots of gears
each one has to work in unison or the head will shut down.
If you haven't noticed, the gears aren't working right,
And pretty soon my head is going to EXPLODE!

the End.

If you haven't noticed, the gears = my thoughts ^_^

I love being spontaneously random!


okay, i need to go to bedd. Goodnight!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I have a feeling i REALLY like posting blogs when I wake up. This is, what, the 5th morning blog i've done?
Probably more.

So, i'm almost ready for school, i just HAD to give good news.

Okay, so my computer's been really really stupid lately; and i tried to log on to my log in and it said "blah blah blah blah error blah blah" and i was like "whatever" so i hit okay. then another thing came up (with practically all the "blah blah blah error blah terminate program") and i pressed okay again.
Then i logged onto my computer again.

And something was terribly wrong.
first off, the wallpaper was the default wallpaper you get when you first buy a computer (or if you're a complete nerd that leaves it on for however odd years they want to)
Then, all my personal setting on the desktop were gone. like my Games folder (where i hold all of my Sims 2 Games and soon to be Sims 3!!!) and my music.

And so i got really mad when i tried to do my homework (with music for ballroom) but itunes wasn't working "This application has an error, terminating now" or something like that.

So I signed onto my other login (aka bonnie's because she's always on it, due to her laptop breaking) and went on facebook. The end.

Okay, so i'm telling you this story because i have great news!
IT WORKS AGAIN! All my personal settings are back and EVERYTHING.
I haven't checked iTunes yet because i'm afraid of the outcome. But when i turned on the login, i even got a new update for my EA Games Downloder!!
It's amazing.

But now here's another awesome piece of news!
I GOT BRISNGR!! And I'm SO happy!!! I just need to finish Eldest first ^_^ But that won't be hard.

Okay, i've got to go to school now. Bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Look what i can do!

<("<) <(")> (>")>

Psycho Bunny.
(- -)
( : )
I've actually never done that one! lol.

I have no clue what this is ^_^

Happy 2009

But it doesn't really feel like a new year...
I should really work on New Year resolutions. You know we all start one, but really. How many people actually follow through with the whole thing?
I think not a lot.

But maybe this year i will.
Here are a few for starters:
1. Read the B.O.M.
2. Loose weight
3. Do something productive in my life that helps/encourages others.

I think that's a good starter list.
Maybe (with my mom's new CRICUT) I'll put it on my wall with vinyl. haha.
I think I really WANT to do this.
I've never really made a new years resolution list.
haha, weird.

Well, i should let it slide since i'm only a teenager. :j

P.s. Stake dances are the most fun i've had IN MY LIFE.
Okay, that's a lie. But it was still fun none the less <3

Rickkie Swan: hippo to the extremmmmeee.