Sunday, July 26, 2009

I guess the fairytale's supposed to end sometime.

Wait... What fairytale was that.

That's right, I didn't have one.
Of course.
I'm still the same old Courtney Anne Huffman who dreams of having something good happen to her.
I'm still the same Courtney Anne Huffman who has nothing better to do but sit at her computer and listen to music. Or the same Courtney Anne Huffman who thinks of what she's going to name her kids because that's all she can do before she goes insane.

Hey, but now I have an idea of what I want to name my kids.
Like Dwight. And not because of the office. It's because that's my dad's middle name and i like that name. And i like it with cody. Dwight Cody [add last name here]
Or Lawrence.
Or Errol.
Or Olivia.

Told you.

Why does highschool suck so much???

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running boys

So basically, I'm really happy :D
I got to see the guy I like yesterday :D:D:D
It was awesome!
Except David-- bahh!

I'm so happy :D

I've started running. Sure, it's only been two days, but I like it :D
I feel so good! Well, my legs hurt, but i'll get over it! :D

I love running :D

I run with Adara Jones and her mom :D
Except today Adara didn't wake up, so it was just me and her mom :) It was so cool! We talked and I love talking to her. She told me a story about this homeless guy named dwayne (idk how to spell his name) who had schizophrenia and since he couldn't get married because he was homeless and he had schizoprenia, he would look at the obituaries and point at the younger ladies who had died and say "I can marry her in the next life" haha. That was funny.

So yeah.
Okay. I'm probably going to go now. I took a shower a little while ago so now I should brush my hair before i curse myself for not doing it earlier. Which I'll probably do anyways... Hahaha.
Okay yeah. Bye!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet 16, anyone?

The moment I have been waiting 365 days for has finally arrived! well, and passed ^_^
I have to admit, it feels good to be sixteen.
It really doesn't feel much different, but it feels good :D

I was supposed to go on my first "date" tuesday, but we never got a group together, and so he just invited another girl, and so it's a group of 3.
I'm really really really excited for it anyway! We're going to go see Harry Potter 6 together!! Which we're going at like 8 or 9 tomorrow night :D
I'm so friggin' excited :D:D:D
Except I haven't finished hp6 the book.
Oh well.
What's funny though, is that when he asked me (we were planning it in may for fun :D), i had a really big hunch it would get canceled.

Other than my 16th birthday, not much has happened.
I mean, sure, stuff HAS happened, like girls camp;
But nothing really so happy that I feel all bubbly inside.
I've had happiness, but I've also felt really...idk... ugh.
No use sweating over it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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