Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet 16, anyone?

The moment I have been waiting 365 days for has finally arrived! well, and passed ^_^
I have to admit, it feels good to be sixteen.
It really doesn't feel much different, but it feels good :D

I was supposed to go on my first "date" tuesday, but we never got a group together, and so he just invited another girl, and so it's a group of 3.
I'm really really really excited for it anyway! We're going to go see Harry Potter 6 together!! Which we're going at like 8 or 9 tomorrow night :D
I'm so friggin' excited :D:D:D
Except I haven't finished hp6 the book.
Oh well.
What's funny though, is that when he asked me (we were planning it in may for fun :D), i had a really big hunch it would get canceled.

Other than my 16th birthday, not much has happened.
I mean, sure, stuff HAS happened, like girls camp;
But nothing really so happy that I feel all bubbly inside.
I've had happiness, but I've also felt really...idk... ugh.
No use sweating over it.

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