Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear stupid people of Lehi. Utah

Dear stupid people of Lehi, Utah.  ARE YOU SERIUS?? You threaten us with a bomb, locking us in the school, no food and hardly anything to do, and YOU THREATEN US WITH A BOMB?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! What has pushed so you so far over the edge that you would pit a bomb in a school? Did you have to pee and your teacher wouldn't let you go? Did you fail your math class? Were you so bored in your class that you decided "I hate this." But why did you take it our on us, the humble studets of lehi high school?


Ashley Sanborn said...


I was at the bowling alley waiting for this all to blow over... I never thought I'd say it, but PE is officially my favorite right now. :3

Ashley Sanborn said...

And now I really really want to start a Facebook fanpage called "I survived a bomb threat at Lehi High School." xD

Stacey said...

Oh man. We had so any lockdowns in high school for bomb scares and campus gang fights. The are SOOOOOO boring. Especially if you are in a class with strict teacher.

Courtney Hufflepuff said...

I know, right?!