Friday, July 25, 2008

"You're pretty much the coolest person i've ever met, and you don't have to try." -Juno

I should probably be sleeping right now.
But there's been SO much on my mind that, I can't sleep. I'm not going to talk about it, but I still need to think about stuff other than what's keeping me awake.

So, I'm going to girl's camp wensday. Oh, i need to pack for that... It's going to be pretty exciting.
Other than the fact that my ordered chucks won't be here till the DAY I leave for it. How cruel is that? I mean, I'll have to wait 3 extra days, and who knows if my family will keep them closed. You know, I shouldn't be this mad. I'm really excited for it. I should be thinking about how happy i'll be to see Platypus for 3 DAYS SOLID and eat yummy camp food, and talk all night about the fun things we did in camp.

I really shouldn't bother about what keeps squeezing back into my mind. I have so many more things to be thinking about, it's not funny. What with school, girls camp, all the family and friends visiting, church... Everything. It shouldn't be so high up on my list of things to think about. Ever. I mean-- augh!!

Please don't ask about it.

About girls camp. I'm so EXCITED. It's unfathomable how excited I am. Honestly. We also get hoodies that are RED! I would've been happier if they were orange, but, oh well. They still must BE AWESOME!
We made shirts for my last year (insert smile here.)(where is smile?)(gosh dang it.)(I hate my life.)(Scratch that, I hate being distracted.)(Gyah!! i'm being distracted again.)(bye.). It was pretty spifftacular. TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL.

The sad thing is, my friend Tiffers(Rambo the first) is leaving sunday. I'm pretty much absolutely depressed. I'm going to miss my Rambo friend. We've actually never seen rambo. We just always wear bandannas like rambo did, and Dicky called us Rambo. So we were like GO TEAM RAMBO! and it stuck. I'm sorry, we're weird.

My sheets are like, spazing out. I leave my house with a nice sheet(as in put on all the corners, if you understand what i'm saying..) and come back and the sheets halfway off. L-A-M-E.

I think i'm so bored i'm going to write a list of all my best friends.
Rambo I.
Rowdy. (ray ray)
Fairy Mae.
Charlie Brown. (Day Day)
(uhh....)(I can't think of ANYONE.)

I guess that's all...
I think I can truely call them my BEST friends. Really. My whole 8th grade year was, bull, you could say.

Okay, so I guess you should know, that i ABSOLUTELY ADORE Grease. The musical.
It's amazing.
I've never seen it, but I love Wicked, also.
I'm kindof warming up to Les Miserables.(is that how you spell it? Idk... augh. Where're my musical-loving friends when I need them?)(only heard songs.)
And, though i've only heard a couple songs, I really like Jekyll and Hyde.

But my non-musical favorite songs are:
Almost Lovers.
I hate this song.(title of song.)
7 things.(It's miley cirus, but it's the only song I like of her.)
The whole entire Juno soundtrack.
Sugar, we're going down.
Roots before Branches.

There are others but I just can't think at 12:30 anymore.

I really should be sleeping...
Eh. Whatever.
I don't give a batman.

Oh oh oh!
The joker is AMAZING!
"I can make this pencil disappear."
"Why so serious?"
That's actually really morbid.
And gross.
I almost screamed really loud.


Here's a quote that my friend gave me, and it makes me happy... Really happy :D

"So much of me comes from what i've learned from you, You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And so whatever way our stories end, just know you have rewritten mine by being my friend... Who can say if I've been changed for the better? No, i've believe i have been changed for good." -Wicked.

I can't explain to you how awesome that makes me feel. I don't care if he's said it to a bunch of people, I just care that he sent that to me.
He's really my best friend, I can honestly say that. Him and P.


I guess I'll go now.

Have a good day, my friends.
-Cor Cor.

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