Hey everybody.
Usually by now, I would've neglected my blog, and never written anything. But I really like this blog. It's pretty awesome.
It's because I like to talk. And tell people things. I also like hearing about peoples days. I like knowing they're happy. And trying to help.
Here's a deal, tell me what makes you happy. What gets you up in the morning. It could be anything. What are the 5 things that just makes you feel good inside?
I'll tell you what makes me happy.
1: I love rain. I love the smell(even though that sounds odd), the noise it makes, and just how wet it is.
2: My friends. They are my life support. I don't know what I would do if I lost my friends(again)! There's never a day that I wish one of my friends WEREN'T my friends. Period.
3: Laughing. It's the best thing to cheer anyone up, I think. I love how no matter what happens in life, you will always laugh again.
4: My family. They know what I like, and Know what I don't like.
5: Someone telling me I look beautiful. Not just beautiful, maybe even Pretty, or Cool.
So go ahead! Share what makes you happy.
It can be from, Wearing a helmet, to drinking soda. Running around with friends, to using an umbrella on a sunny day. Whatever makes you happy, I want to know. Maybe we'll have something in common, who knows!
5 things that make me happy?
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Everything awesome (read: ninjas, pi, WALL•E, Apple, the Space Center, etc.)
4. Reading a really good book
Flibbertyschnoggett. #5 should say "writing, drawing, making comics, cooking, etc."
These are the things of happiness
1. Being random and crazy
2. Being random and crazy with friends
3. Curling up with a good book
4. Listening to music. (pretty much any kind.)
5. Living life as it comes to me!
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