Thursday, August 28, 2008


I think I have the most fun hanging out with Seniors.

Like, they have the funniest jokes ever...
and I laugh at them, even though they're about Sophmores... :D

And I'm a sophmore.

Oh oh oh! Did I tell you i'm really happy today!!!
Except, I still need to find a song for the FT. (Fox Trot)

I gave my bestie my Idea for it because it's his favorite song, so I need to find one now.
I just don't know what he's looking for. If I'm lucky, It's not till next week that I need to have it in, but I still need to look for something.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

GW! (Guess what!)

I'm directing a scene in drama 3!!!
I'm nervous, scared, excited, happy, nervous, confused, ecstatic, and pretty much every other emotion I can't think of right now.
I'm so excited to do it though. I love Shakespeare, and I love acting.
And I'm not just directing.
I'm also helping out my friend on his scene by being a small part, since I have no roll in mine :D Which I'm absolutely fine with :D

Yeah, the "Night of Shakespeare" is on October 1st so we have a little bit more than a month... And we have some great people in our group that I know will get it done.

I hope.

But I'm SO excited!!!
And i'm also auditioning for the Shakespearean festival (aka the "blood bath") on Sept 9th. If i can memorize my monologue.
I hope I can.
If I make it into the Shakespearean Festival, I think i'd have a heart attack because I would be so happy! Oh my gosh, now i'm hyper.
Go cookies!

Monday, August 25, 2008


My seperaters hurt really bad.

I had a good day though :D
It was fun.
and picture day.
Which i didn't know about till last night at like 10.
so I was all freaking out and junk like that.
It was pretty depressing.


Eww. I don't feel good, my gag reflex is going OFF the charts, there are rubber bands in my mouth, and that means i'm only getting closer to my braces...

Rubber bands are very annoying. I really want to die right now.

Any help?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Goodbye Olympics

As the flame goes down, another year of Olympics is over.

You know, it's really sad to see the Flame go out. This year is the first year I've watched a huge amount of it.
I wasn't really into the Olympics before.
This year was just really cool to me.

Michael Phelps did a phenomenal job at swimming, 8 medals: all gold.
Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson Rocked the Gymnastics.
Hyleas(is that how you spell her name?) fountain winning Track.
Both Volleyball teams beat all of their competition.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze for the US in Fencing.
All the countries that got a medal, and the ones that tried their hardest.
And China, for Being a great host (and building the awesome Water Cube :D)
And all the other ones Just did Phenomenal.

I love the Olympics.

And not just Summer Olympics!
Winter, too.

I like Curling, and Speed Skating.
And everything else.
I want you to tell me, what's your favorite Summer Olympic sport? What's your favorite Winter Olympic sport?

But I have to go and sleep. Getting up at 4:30. :D

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why does this always happen to me?

So, I go out of my room to see if my mom's home, and I see my brother with a HUGE nerf gun, and then I see a package on our coffee table, and my sister's like "There's your hair straightener." So I freak out because i'm really happy. And I was getting really aggravated because i've been waiting for 2 weeks. Then my sister's like, "But mom says you have to do groceries first." So i run into the kitchen and put the groeries away in Record Time, and When I sit down and grab my box, and open it, i pull out the box, and it's blue, so i'm like "okay, maybe it's just a blue box." But i was a little skeptic because on the pictures they show, the box is orange. So i push the inside part of the box out, and the straightener is blue. And I say to my mom "This isn't my straightener." And I got really mad.
I'm so mad, it's not even funny.
The sad thing is, when I was putting away groceries, i thought "Wouldn't it stink if my straighteners the wrong color?"
And then it is.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3rd day of school.

Hey friends!
It's the THIRD day of school! I've no officially been through all of my classes now.
I'm actually getting ready right now. Haha. I'm almost done... I just have to do my makeup and put my shoes on... and switch backpacks (long story)... and find my lunch (yum. Chinese)... and finish this blog... and find my headphones.

So it turns out, I don't have time to write on my blog today. So I have to go.

Oh p.s. Good luck to all the highschoolers (like me) who are nervous for the next year...

And the middle schoolers.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Swimming is the best thing created on earth.
Well, that is, other than Reading...
And music...
And friends.
And orange hair straighteners.

Speaking of orange hair straighteners, I just bought one off of Ebay! New in the box for $30. Well, $40.50 if you count s&h. It comes TOMORROW! I'm so happy. My brothers BEST friend is coming all the way from Virginia tomorrow, too. He and his girlfriend. It was a gift from her. She's pretty awesome. :]

Okay, so who's read Breakinig Dawn?!

I love it so much.
I love that series.
But not as much as I love The Spiderwick Chronicles. Those are the bomb-diggity. HAHAHA.

My sister and cousin are going to see The Dark Knight tomorrow.
*hangs upside down* I want to go SO BAD.

But I won't bother their "Bonnie, Ben Bonding time." Instead i'm stuck here cleaning. my. room.
Double eww.
Infinity eww.
EPIC eww.

It's all because the friends that visited us last week trashed my room by dressing up.

And it doesn't help that my trundle is out, and my nightstand is NOT where it's supposed to be. Nor my fan!!!!!!!!!
Agh! OCD(cdo) kicking in! GYAHH!

Okay, before I freak out anymore, i'm going to go clean my room, move my bed (it's by a wall that juts out, so I can put my nightstand there, BUT WHERE IS MY LAMP GOING TO GO?! AGUH!), take a shower, and make a hat(heehee, i'm working on a "Popcorn Bobble Hat" on the loom. It's really time consuming... I'm pretty close to being done, though).

"So goodbye, adue, parting is such sweet sorrow, doors over there, avertierszen, and farwell, goodbye." *slams door* -Willy Wonka(I don't know if that's all of it... or... right... but, yeah, you get the picture.)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Seriously, I'm about to flip.

MY IHOME IS GONE!!!!!!!!!! That's right, my beloved Ihome of 9 months is missing, including it's Ipod... My dad woke me up to walk my dog (because obviously, my brother who gets the money to do the chore can't wake up to do it.)(My mom says it's "too much of a hassel to wake him up.... psh) so I reluctantly get out of bed, and walk my dog. So while she's doing her business, I think to myself "I didn't hear my music when I woke up. Maybe somebody turned it off when i was asleep the FIRST time Mom woke me up. I'll have to investigate." So i get to my room, and si, my music is off... But my Ihome isn't there either. It's coard is. But not him it's self... So I go look in the bathroom (because i like to take showers listening to it)(but, i didn't take a shower last night, and i clearly remember falling asleep after putting down breaking dawn next to my Ipod) and then I take a shot at seeing if my sister had it. She was awake so I ask her, and NO. She doesn't have it.
So I go back to my room and investigate more.... And to make things worse, MY PHONE IS GONE TOO! oh my gosh... I'm so not happy right now. See, i'm not as mad about my phone... Because I can live without it... But i CANNOT live without my music.... It's the only thing that keeps me sane, lately... WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!