Sunday, August 24, 2008

Goodbye Olympics

As the flame goes down, another year of Olympics is over.

You know, it's really sad to see the Flame go out. This year is the first year I've watched a huge amount of it.
I wasn't really into the Olympics before.
This year was just really cool to me.

Michael Phelps did a phenomenal job at swimming, 8 medals: all gold.
Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson Rocked the Gymnastics.
Hyleas(is that how you spell her name?) fountain winning Track.
Both Volleyball teams beat all of their competition.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze for the US in Fencing.
All the countries that got a medal, and the ones that tried their hardest.
And China, for Being a great host (and building the awesome Water Cube :D)
And all the other ones Just did Phenomenal.

I love the Olympics.

And not just Summer Olympics!
Winter, too.

I like Curling, and Speed Skating.
And everything else.
I want you to tell me, what's your favorite Summer Olympic sport? What's your favorite Winter Olympic sport?

But I have to go and sleep. Getting up at 4:30. :D

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