Wednesday, August 27, 2008

GW! (Guess what!)

I'm directing a scene in drama 3!!!
I'm nervous, scared, excited, happy, nervous, confused, ecstatic, and pretty much every other emotion I can't think of right now.
I'm so excited to do it though. I love Shakespeare, and I love acting.
And I'm not just directing.
I'm also helping out my friend on his scene by being a small part, since I have no roll in mine :D Which I'm absolutely fine with :D

Yeah, the "Night of Shakespeare" is on October 1st so we have a little bit more than a month... And we have some great people in our group that I know will get it done.

I hope.

But I'm SO excited!!!
And i'm also auditioning for the Shakespearean festival (aka the "blood bath") on Sept 9th. If i can memorize my monologue.
I hope I can.
If I make it into the Shakespearean Festival, I think i'd have a heart attack because I would be so happy! Oh my gosh, now i'm hyper.
Go cookies!

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