Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I should probably mention...

Jared asked me. (:
just thought you'd like to know.


So guess who's going to winter ball?! ME! I'm so excited.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Matt Nathanson, meet your new iPod.

I used my itunes giftcard today. The first thing I bought, without hesitation, was the Matt Nathanson cd, Some Mad Hope. I have wanted that cd for a pretty long time. I also got the song "Please Dont Tell Her" by Jason Mraz. And "my stupid mouth" by John Mayer. And new shoes by Paulo nutini. And new soul by yael naim. And beautiful disaster by John mclughlin. And bad romance by lady gaga.
I don't know why I like that song it's just an indulgance (:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting hopes up.

I speak today on behalf of ALL girls' hopes and dreams. There once was a girl named... Julie. Julie liked a lot of things, one of them would be boys. Now, Julie had never had a boyfriend, but she wanted one really bad. She met a boy named Tim and they became friends. One day, while Julie and Tim were hanging out with their mutual friend, Patrick, Patrick made an unusual comment about how Julie and Tim flirted too much. When Patrick said that, Julie got emabarrassed for Patrick knew Julie liked Tim.
When she went home she started thinking "maybe he likes me back." and she Git her hopes up that something might happen. Now, Julie went to Patrick and told him to tell Tim and to tell her what Tim thought.
Nothing. He was honored, but he did not like her back.
Julie's hopes were so high raised, that they came down in hard like it had been dropped off a bridge with out it's bungee cord.
She vowed to herself that she would never get her hopes up like that ever again.
And she didn't... For about a year.
Until GEORGE showed up. Julie had known George for about six months, and she never really realized how decent of a guy he was until She, Tim, and George were hanging out. He let down all of his guards there. And she realized she might like him.
And one of her friends keep getting her hopes up.

Now, I do not know the outcome of this story. But it leads me up to a good matter. Your hopes and dreams. If you get your hopes up, be willing to live with any outcome you get. It might be exactly what you wanted, and great! You might get it but not realize the true thing about it, but that's ok! You just find something new you would care about. Or you might nit get what you wanted, but don't he sad. Your time will come sometime. It may be in the near future, it may be in the late future. But, if you neverput your hopesup and chase for that dream, you will never know. If you have a desire for something, go out for it. Don't just wish and think about what could have been. I know i'm not the best example of this method, but I'm working on it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Happy!

Hi there everyone... If anybody reads this.
This has been a very nice Christmas, I think.
Jake got what he wanted and a leopard gecko,
I got the Ipod touch I wanted and two cook-
books ("Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by
Julia Child and "Good Eats: The Early Years" by
my favorite tv chef, Alton Brown). Mom, like
always, went above and beyond and got us
more presents than we thought we were getting.

It was a really good Christmas. I loved talking
to Zach' and it was fun having Bonnie and Aaron
Herrmann over for a little bit.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aerodynamics and Paper Planes.

No, that has nothing to do with my life right now. Frankly, I was going to come up with some really deep way to work it into my blog, but my mind's not working like that.
I mean, today I was told that my "venting" is hilarious. Which means, the way I talk makes people laugh.
I have no problem with that, don't get me wrong.
I just wish sometimes people would take me seriously when I'm trying to be serious (But I do have to admit that saying "Other than the fact that they are handsome and are a key factor for 'replenishing' the human race, boys suck" is a funny thing).
I love being funny and I love when people laugh at my jokes...

But is that all I am?
Am I going to be cursed with a funny attribute, doomed for all eternity, longing to be an actress or a good enough writer... or just good at something other than being funny?
Because, I have the qualities of an actress, right? I love doing it, and I don't completely suck...
Do I?

I don't know. I do want to try out for Drama 4 (and frankly, I don't really mind if I don't make it into MDT because I really like straight plays with no singing. Although I like the singing and dancing AND acting part of it all, I think straight plays can bring forth so much emotion that, sometimes, musicals cannot) but I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid to audition because if I do, I might not make it in. But then I'd lose that experience to grow on my acting.
I don't know...

I just don't want to be just the funny person anymore.

I think that's why I've been immersing myself into theater lately, because I love it so much. I love being a part of such a bigger thing, and not being a spectator in the audience. Because I'm not Courtney Huffman anymore. I'm a person living their life.
I want to be in tech because I love learning. I love knowing things that I would never knew three years ago, because I was just a weird thirteen year-old girl who thought she knew everything there is to know about theater. I'm so clearly mistaken. I learn new things everyday that I'll keep with me for a lifetime. And I've found out how to be patient. And that's a really hard thing for me to do, if you haven't noticed.

I don't know. I think I just need to get over my fear of failure, because I'll never get anywhere with it looming on my shoulders.
Maybe if I take that first step and try out for Drama 4/Ballroom/MDT, it will go away.
I mean, I tried out for a solo in Choir the other day. I wasn't too nervous. That's the first step.

These teachers here at Lehi High bestow so much self-confidence and courage to do what you don't want to do. I love it, because in ninth grade, I would have NEVER tried out for MDT. I mean, I tried out for Charlie Brown... but that's another story. I was okay with failing. I knew I was going to.
It hurt really bad when I didn't get in Princess and the Pea, but that's because it was a straight play.
But I think I've improved since then.

I really could relate Aerodynamics somehow to this blog, but it's not worth my time, or yours. So goodbye.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Epic? No, it's just me.

I haven't been feeling my best lately.
And I'm not saying I am sick. I'm just saying I haven't been feeling my best. I think it's because I'm just sad that I don't get to do the things that I truely adore. Whether that's ballroom, or musical theater and drama 4(but I do agree, that's because I never tried out for those, or getting to have the opportunity to do Joseph at the Junior High. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for David and Jared. I just kind of wish I had that opportunity. Oh well.
I'm definitely trying out for ballroom this year. It's whether or not I make it, how happy I will be.
I wish I had never broken promises.
I wish I had the courage to try the things I love.
I wish I wasn't such a horrible friend sometimes.
I wish I was actually good at writing stories or essays and being an english teacher.
I wish I wasn't so annoyed with people all the time.
I wish...
I wish for so many things, I'm greedy. I know I should enjoy the life I have, but when you see your friends excell in all the things they do and you're just the girl that likes cleaning (and doesn't do well in school or has some amazing talent), it's really hard.
REALLY hard.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just a little proud

It's not the best grammar or anything, but seriously... I love this paragraph. it's kind of amazing.
"In America, we go all out with decorations. We get a gigantic tree and put a star on top, not to mention the strings of colorful lights, the red and round ornaments, the popcorn garland, and that tinsle that falls off and gets all over your floor (it’s white, sparkly, and annoying. We all know what I’m talking about right now). On top of that, we have our snowmen with little scarves, our stockings, our outdoor lights, our multiple Santa paintings and statuettes, maybe and advent calendar or two, and a few cute little candy cane holders. I mean, who doesn’t go all out this holiday?"

Okay seriously, does that not make you happy?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Clean clean clean.

Wow... I realized that I love being clean. Haha.
So I washed my sheets last night, then took a shower, and brushed my teeth, and put my clean sheets on my bed and then put clean clothes on, and then went to bed, and i wasn't half as stressed as I was before. Like, no joke. I could relax and fall asleep like during the summer. It was the best feeling I've had in a long time. Maybe I'll do this more.

Monday, November 2, 2009


So I wonder if David will ever reply...
It's been over a month now.

I finally got a new brush.
I haven't been able to find mine for like a month.
So my mom got me one.
and headbands.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back to Basics

I went back to the Sims 2.
I'm not saying I'm done with the sims three, I just miss the variety I had in the sims 2.
I had nearly the whole set of Expansion Packs! The only 3 I was missing were the "stuff" packs.
So why not go back? I mean, it's a fun game. Who cares if you can't look around town or go to work with them? You can go to COLLEGE. Who cares if you have design-a-whatever? YOU HAVE SO MUCH VARIETY. Did I mention so really fun expansion packs???

Yeah. So yeah...

I also decided I'm going to start a "Dream book" well, it's actually a binder... But I mean. I have awesome dreams, awkward dreams, scary dreams, and dreams I just don't want to forget; so why not have one? I mean. It's just so fun to have them.
I love dreams :)
It makes me think of "Big Friendly Giant"

Speaking of really good books, i'm reading "The Spiderwick Chronicles" again. I've read them a ton. I already finished the first one. At like 10:36
Not to mention that I started it at like 10:04.
I'm really good with times and dates and stuff....
I mean, it's weird, but I remember when i woke up: 9:23
And I got home from walmart at 12:26.
And Dad asked what time it was at 1:...
Okay, that one i don't remember haha. It was like 1:25 ish.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Alice and Kev

So I've been reading this blog called "Alice and Kev" and the lady ended it not long ago. She invited us to Download Alice and finish the story the way we wanted to and so i thought "why not?"
I'm going to do it someday, but if you want to read it the link is:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Head Smashing and Handstands

My head hurts.
Because I fell off my friends back today at Lunch.
On my head.

So yeah.
But it actually was really funny.

So I'm making a hat :D
It's cool.
And green.

I decided that i'm going to work really hard to do a handstand and all this jazz that you can do with it.
I don't know why, but for the last few months I've wanted to do a handstand.
So there.

Okay, I think I'm going to go just because I'm really tired because my head hurts so much.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homecoming and Sadies!

Hey guys!
So homecoming was basically amazing!!!
When kaden puts the pictures up, I'll put some on a post so you can see.
The guys took us on Trax to the Gateway mall. It was so fun! We went to california pizza kitchen, too :D
The dance was awesome too!!!

Speaking of dance!
Sadies is in Nov, and I asked David :D
If he says yes, that will be fun. Idk what we're going to do yet though. I think i'm in a group with aranda :D That will be fun :D
Hmm... :D

GLEE GLEE GLEE. I love that show. And I got "take a bow" from that today. I love it. :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Put your shoulder to the high on a mountain top.

Happy sunday everybody!
Has yours been wonderful because mine has!
Haha, last night I had a dream that I got married to my best friend David. BAHAHA That will probably never happen.
Because we don't like each other.
And we're like brother and sister.
Speaking of "brother and sister"... actually I won't tell you. Too embarassing.
Okay so announcement! I'm going to see if Rickkieninja.blogspot yadda yadda yadda is available and if so i'm going to change it. Because lifeinsideateenagehippo.blogspot is kind of long and my mom can't remember it :P
Okay yeah.
I'll keep you posted on that.
I have one hundred dollars
WAIT I told you that.
WAIT did I write last night.
I feel really disoriented.
:P oops.
Okay talk to you later guys! I love ya!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I officially have an income now! Because I have a job!
It doesn't pay much, but it still friggin' rocks!!! So my mom set me up with a Checking and Savings account and so now i feel all growed up and stuff. (:
I officially have a hundred dollars :D
I feel so amazing.
I know it's not a lot, but it's a lot more than I've ever had. Litterally. Well, if you think about it, if I would have saved all of my allowances for about 3 years (assuming I had the same amount all those years, so lets say 35 dollars each month, so three years would be 36 months so 35x36) I would have 1,260. So about enough to buy a Mac computer.
I wish I was more frugal with my money three years ago like I am now... But it's not like I wasted ALL of it on useless junk that's probably already in the trash or hidden in my hope chest. I bought a phone with about half a year worth of that money. I bet I bought other stuff that I use still. Probably not... Darn. Haha.
But anyways, I'm pretty excited about this 100 dollars saved thing :). Maybe I'll buy a Mac before I get to saving for college. Which I should be doing. But a Mac is something I can use when I'm in college so it's not like it's a waste of my money...?
I don't know :)
Maybe I'll just start saving for college and somehow win a free macintosh computer in the mix. That. would. rock.
I love macs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Busy busy busy! I?

so really, i don't feel like i'm busy. I feel like i'm doing better at life because i have a life. No joke. I'm not sitting around all day. I'm contributing to my life and everything....
Grrr. I wish people could understand that.

Monday, August 31, 2009

September 24 (?)

I think that's the date.
september 24(?) is the day of HOMECOMING.

This year i can go!

That is if I get asked.....

But i'm not gonna lie, I don't think I will. I mean, come on. Get real. It's me. I'm not a "Date/ask to homecoming" kind of person. I'm more of the "I sit with her because she's so weird it's hillarious" kind of person.
And I don't want any comments saying "yes you are! blah blah blah" because I don't think i am.
So bam.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vroom Vroom!


So I can drive now. I love it. I think it's awesome.
I feel so free doing it, too. I don't feel any pressure like when I drove with my parental units!

I rearranged my room last friday. It's awesome. And today my mom was like "Do we really need to keep the wii out here all the time?" and I said "not really." and then she was like "will it be used in courtney's room?" and my brother and I both went "yeah!" haha
WOO I have a WII in my room! I'm so stoked :D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I guess I should warn you now.

I can get my license on the 25th! I passed road today so yeah. I'm basically excited.

Vroom Vroom.


Man, i haven't felt very happy today.
Actually, just the past hour i haven't felt good.
I don't know why.

But hey, at least i'll have my license soon and i'll be able to drive around and look for jobs :D
I might apply at el pollo loco.
Maybe. Idk.

So i'm really into this jacket i got a rue 21. It's yellow and black and plaid.
I wore it sunday, and I felt like pikachu. :I

Well, i really have nothing else to say. See you!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I guess the fairytale's supposed to end sometime.

Wait... What fairytale was that.

That's right, I didn't have one.
Of course.
I'm still the same old Courtney Anne Huffman who dreams of having something good happen to her.
I'm still the same Courtney Anne Huffman who has nothing better to do but sit at her computer and listen to music. Or the same Courtney Anne Huffman who thinks of what she's going to name her kids because that's all she can do before she goes insane.

Hey, but now I have an idea of what I want to name my kids.
Like Dwight. And not because of the office. It's because that's my dad's middle name and i like that name. And i like it with cody. Dwight Cody [add last name here]
Or Lawrence.
Or Errol.
Or Olivia.

Told you.

Why does highschool suck so much???

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running boys

So basically, I'm really happy :D
I got to see the guy I like yesterday :D:D:D
It was awesome!
Except David-- bahh!

I'm so happy :D

I've started running. Sure, it's only been two days, but I like it :D
I feel so good! Well, my legs hurt, but i'll get over it! :D

I love running :D

I run with Adara Jones and her mom :D
Except today Adara didn't wake up, so it was just me and her mom :) It was so cool! We talked and I love talking to her. She told me a story about this homeless guy named dwayne (idk how to spell his name) who had schizophrenia and since he couldn't get married because he was homeless and he had schizoprenia, he would look at the obituaries and point at the younger ladies who had died and say "I can marry her in the next life" haha. That was funny.

So yeah.
Okay. I'm probably going to go now. I took a shower a little while ago so now I should brush my hair before i curse myself for not doing it earlier. Which I'll probably do anyways... Hahaha.
Okay yeah. Bye!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet 16, anyone?

The moment I have been waiting 365 days for has finally arrived! well, and passed ^_^
I have to admit, it feels good to be sixteen.
It really doesn't feel much different, but it feels good :D

I was supposed to go on my first "date" tuesday, but we never got a group together, and so he just invited another girl, and so it's a group of 3.
I'm really really really excited for it anyway! We're going to go see Harry Potter 6 together!! Which we're going at like 8 or 9 tomorrow night :D
I'm so friggin' excited :D:D:D
Except I haven't finished hp6 the book.
Oh well.
What's funny though, is that when he asked me (we were planning it in may for fun :D), i had a really big hunch it would get canceled.

Other than my 16th birthday, not much has happened.
I mean, sure, stuff HAS happened, like girls camp;
But nothing really so happy that I feel all bubbly inside.
I've had happiness, but I've also felt really...idk... ugh.
No use sweating over it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Take THAT, music theory book!

Finally i finished with the demon book that would've been done a long time ago if i worked on it!
I mean, yeah. It's not a big accomplishment... Unless you're me!!! Finally!
Yeah, that means I'll probably get another one pretty soon, BUT I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS ONE!
It's like when you finally finish a REALLY boring book you've been trying to read for a month, and when you finally do you can now go on and read better, more exciting books!
That's exactly what it feels like :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

33 pages (soon to be more) about an average teenage boy who goes through life. No fantasies, thank you very much.

So i'm writing a no-plot short story. It's going pretty well so far. I mean, i've never gotten pass 12 pages, none-the-less 33!
Not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of myself right now.

The story has no fantasy aspect to it (other than what he writes. :) ). It's just about a teenage boy who's best friend asks the girl he liked out, the day that he told him, and it's about just his life, basically. I'm just happy I'm actually getting passed the first paragraph :D
I mean, even this plot twist surprised me! And i wrote it.
The kid I liked in the story (other than the main character) just became my least favorite person in the story (there were only 3 to choose from other than him: The main character, Olivia :), and This kid named Garth that sits with them at school but like, never talks. haha. he'd be like, the extra in the tv shows where they don't get payed to talk).
He wasn't a very lucky kid, i guess.

Well, i don't even know how it's going to end yet, so i'm excited about the outcome. It's like when you're reading Harry potter and since you've never watched the movie or read the book (so let's say harry potter 5... well, i watched the movie but didn't pay that much attention to it :D), and you're like ''holy cow, what's going to happen next?!" But like, since you're writing it it's much more thrilling.
Did that make any sense?

Okay, yeah. So that's all I have to report other than the movie UP!
I loved it. And i saw it twice, once in 2D and another time in 3D.
I loved it both times. And I'm also learning "Ellie's Theme" on the piano :)
Okay. Yeah.

OH! and ashley and I made a new adventure today. It had both our dads in it. It was basically amazing. With a capital A... MAZING. haha. Yeah. And she's drawing a picture about it :) Because i can't draw. And she can. and... yeah. :)
Okay, yeah. So i'm going to go now.
Thanks for reading!
<3 Rickkie
I wanted to try this out. Last time it didn't work.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I... I don't know what to say.
Is this for real?
Holy. Heck. Eww, nvm, that was so... so Utah. Holy Cow.
That was amazing. Because i had a D in my geometry class, and now i have a B
I'm so happy right now, it's kind of scary. I have no idea how i got that grade.
Now I have a 3.35!
Wow. This will bring my Accumulative Up higher.
This is a dream.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

John Bytheway, Hilary Weeks, and One dang good fireside.

Tonight was so amazing. I cannot believe I had that blessing to hear the two people and meet the two people that make me so utterly happy and want me to strive to be better in life. They were so good.
I sat in the front row and when Hilary Weeks was singing "Come Take Your Place" I started crying. I'm such a bawl baby; ha ha. But her song was really good. She also saw me crying and she smiled at me. Ha ha. Ah, i loved it. John Bytheway was HILARIOUS! As always. He opened up with some of the jokes about his name, then went into the fireside of this year's theme. It was cool. I really liked it. I also took like, four pages of notes :D
Ahh! I have her CD and realized that I have that song!!
I'm happy now. :D
Oh, today was so nice. I loved every minute of it... It was so nice...
I love firesides, because you can always feel his spirit. Always. It's so nice to have that feeling with all those people around you, all gathered together for one reason and all happy to be there. It's so nice. :D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Life is good

Hi everyone!
Life is pretty good.
Summers about to start, and so it's about time i started wearing my bandannas again. I think this summer i'm going to wear them on my wrist. Maybe not, i'm not sure yet.
I'm so stoked for summer! I've already been invited to 4 parties (one i went to yesterday, another i'm going to today) and i'm so stoked.
I think i'm going to watch a bunch of scary movies with Alecia this summer, also.
That would be fun!
Okay, gotta go!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My adventure in "the jungle"

I went on an adventure yesterday.
I weeded (wed? haha. idk) my "jungle"

Okay, it's not really a jungle, but i call it the jungle because it looks (yes, it still does look like a jungle) like one!

It was a lot harder than i thought it would be.
Because i wasn't sure what i could or couldn't take out, and my mom was at work so i really had no idea what were weeds and if she would kill me if i took the wrong thing out...
I did get a really pretty picture of a flower, though. It's really nice and i really love it.


It was so hard! not going to lie.
But it was a lot of fun to listen to music while i weeded the jungle.
Also, some people gave me weird looks when I was doing it too, like all of the little kids playing outside, hahaha.
Probably because i was rocking out to my music while i did it. ha ha.

Yeah, but i passed out after ha ha.
And then i started writing a short story.
Okay, more like came up with names and then drew pictures of them
and their links... :)

Oh my goodness! Text from miranda!
"Good noon"
i love that girl.

Okay, well, i think i'm going to go draw pictures now.
even though i can't draw hahahahahah.
Yepp. Goodbye world.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Haha, another musical i'm thinking about auditioning for is "Once on this Island".
Miranda mentioned it for me, and so did Amacy.
The auditions are in may, also.
so yeah.
It depends :D

Today was a good day.
I had church.
I kept calling this one kid Tina, hahahaha.
I also liked our YW's lesson. It was nice. Yeah.
okay bye.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hi guys :D

Wow! Spring Break has been so CRAZY. I hung out with my bestest friend Miranda like, 5 times; and My other friend, amacy, got me a song that i can sing for Children of Eden auditions next wednesday! I'm really excited. Like, no joke. It's so exciting.
I really hope I make the auditions. Even if i'm just ensemble. Because just being in that musical is SUCH a privliege. Did i even spell that word right? haha. I don't even know, haha.
Oh well.
okay, see you later.
Wish me luck!
I'm going to stop talking now.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm back at school.

So like, last night my cousins from BYU (eliza and her BF, and Katie and Keith) and Becca and Dawn and Steve; and stacy!  came to our house for a "family dinner."  It was a lot of fun, really!  I sat with becca, jake (eliza's bf), zach, stacy, and eliza when we ate pizza, and then after all of the parents went to the living room and all of the cousins and aaron and bonnie and i played games!  So fun!

Haha, we were going to play frisbee but it was really cold, and so... When Aaron was in the bathroom, we all decided to hide from him (me, bonnie, jake, eliza, and becca).  We were just hiding by the laundry room and the pantry, but when Becca went into the pantry, we all did.  It got really hot, so we got out eventually.  It was fun though!!
Then all of the cousins played Signs; then animal signs; then we attempted playing mafia, but... heh heh heh... didn't work.  So we played hands.  Then we played betty buttons and "I can draw the moon" SO FUNN!  Then everyone left... *sob*  
All in all it was A WHOLE BUNDLE OF FUN!  and stacy's staying for a little while.  I's excited.!

I like blogging durning schoooooool!


But she can't find her ipod :(  
oh well.
in a good way >.<

I'm going to check out aaron's blog now.  LATER.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stolen Rings and Orange Stuff

I stole Paul's ring today.

I still have it. :)

I took it, he took my gatorade, my chucks, and my glasses... and my book. He originally got the shoe because i threw it at him as an attempted plea for my gatorade to be back, but i decided 'hey! if he has that one, why not have the other one!' So, he had my shoes for a while.

It was nice. :)

I got my book (and my other shoe) back eventually before the bell rang... Not my gatorade. Eh, like i say, no use crying over stolen gatorade.

Okay, i've got to stop using that kind of 'phrase.'

*Sneeze* Eww. Colds. Gross.

Oh welll, i've still got the ring. :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spilled Milk, anyone?

Didn't make it. Oh well.

No use crying over spilled milk, you know?

I'm more focused on a question that's been flowing through my mind lately;

Am I invisible?

I seriously think i am, because no authority figure takes me seriously...





I might not be, i'm just probably in that one slump that you get when you don't make something you REALLY wanted to be in...

you know?

I think what really keeps hitting me hard, was that someone said "This person really wanted to get in, but she didn't. i feel bad for her." And all i could think about was 'how do you think i feel? I wanted to be in ballroom SO bad, i was giving my ALL. and i don't do that much.'


Okay, i'm done venting.

On a good note, we went to the space center yesterday! It was SO fun. i loved it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So ballroom Try-outs are today, and i'm so nervous i could DIE. Of course, my nervous/excited brain decided to wake me up at 6.

The Try-outs are at 8. Oh well.
Now i have time to write in my blog! Okay, here goes it!

I'm experimenting today, trying to get pics on my blog, i'm not very good at this. haha.
So lets try it! IT works! Okay, yah.
I miss my red hair, because i know that's either when my red hair was fading, or when i first dyed it ^_^
I so funny. I think i'm going to dye my hair again soon because i think red works well for me. I just need to get my contacts again, and i'll be like before i got new glasses!

Which eventually, the lens kept popping out and out over and over and OVER again, so we got it re-cut, and it's all good! That was on the same day i got my learners!

Wait, did i tell you i got my learners?! Oh my gosh, i'm so amazed that i passed the test. My face is so ugly in the picture, though. hahaha.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's my bubble, and i don't want anyone in it!

Today was annoying.
Day two of UBSCT testing. I've realized every time i think the word UBSCT in my head, this announcer's voice says it. Hah.

I was having the hardest time with the math section today. And of course, all of my friends are geniuses and so i felt like an idiot when they all said "it was so easy" or "it was so boring." Or "Oh my gosh the problems were so pathetic."

Of course i'm the only one that struggled. They all expected me to say "yeah! it was a peice of cake!" but i couldn't...

I. just. couldn't.

See, they even thought i was really weird when i told them i had troubles long dividing.




I just want to go curl up in a pit listening to music.
No phone. Nothing but music.

In english we wrote our pet peeves and i wrote mine all about the things that people do to bother me. I even titled it "people bug me" and in the paragraph i said "i just hate people." Yeah.
I even explained how much i hated when people's hot breath on me when they whisper in my ear. and i also talked about how some people overinvade my personal bubble "it's my bubble, and i don't want anyone in it!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A random post on a random day

i wore my favorite shirt today. And i'm glad i did. I was in a bad mood and so this shirt explained it to everyone. It says ''don't bother me, i'm crabby'' HAH! and people thought i was kidding about the shirt, but no... i wasn't.

Today at lunch, i was telling my friends a story and they all ignored me and left.
and in ballroom, only 2 guys willingly asked me to dance, the others were forced because i was the only one in that row that they hadn't asked.
And i dropped my ipod.
And i forgot my binder for Spanish.
AND i decided that i'm one of those friends that are nice to talk to, but not good to hang out with. Seriously. I sit in my house on friday and saturday nights with nobody calling or texting me saying "hey you want to hang out?" and then i come back to school monday morning and hear about all the spectacular things my friends did together over the weekend. It drives me crazy.
I also decided i'm not going to date. That's the thing i'm not going to do, because i have a gut feeling that people wont ask me. ever. So why bother?

Ugh.. Today sucked. a lot. I'm not sugar coating it anymore. It just sucked.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Boys are Confusing

Why do boys love to dazzle us?


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sundays rock!

Today charlie and I shoveled the walkway at church, it was fun. charlie had the salt and i had the shovel and charlie would skip around and spray the salt. It was funny. We were soon accompanied by Junior so i held the door open while Charlie salted and junior shoveled. It's so much fun doing stuff like that ^_^

My Head is Going to Explode
by Courtney Huffman.

My head is filled with lots of gears
each one has to work in unison or the head will shut down.
If you haven't noticed, the gears aren't working right,
And pretty soon my head is going to EXPLODE!

the End.

If you haven't noticed, the gears = my thoughts ^_^

I love being spontaneously random!


okay, i need to go to bedd. Goodnight!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I have a feeling i REALLY like posting blogs when I wake up. This is, what, the 5th morning blog i've done?
Probably more.

So, i'm almost ready for school, i just HAD to give good news.

Okay, so my computer's been really really stupid lately; and i tried to log on to my log in and it said "blah blah blah blah error blah blah" and i was like "whatever" so i hit okay. then another thing came up (with practically all the "blah blah blah error blah terminate program") and i pressed okay again.
Then i logged onto my computer again.

And something was terribly wrong.
first off, the wallpaper was the default wallpaper you get when you first buy a computer (or if you're a complete nerd that leaves it on for however odd years they want to)
Then, all my personal setting on the desktop were gone. like my Games folder (where i hold all of my Sims 2 Games and soon to be Sims 3!!!) and my music.

And so i got really mad when i tried to do my homework (with music for ballroom) but itunes wasn't working "This application has an error, terminating now" or something like that.

So I signed onto my other login (aka bonnie's because she's always on it, due to her laptop breaking) and went on facebook. The end.

Okay, so i'm telling you this story because i have great news!
IT WORKS AGAIN! All my personal settings are back and EVERYTHING.
I haven't checked iTunes yet because i'm afraid of the outcome. But when i turned on the login, i even got a new update for my EA Games Downloder!!
It's amazing.

But now here's another awesome piece of news!
I GOT BRISNGR!! And I'm SO happy!!! I just need to finish Eldest first ^_^ But that won't be hard.

Okay, i've got to go to school now. Bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Look what i can do!

<("<) <(")> (>")>

Psycho Bunny.
(- -)
( : )
I've actually never done that one! lol.

I have no clue what this is ^_^

Happy 2009

But it doesn't really feel like a new year...
I should really work on New Year resolutions. You know we all start one, but really. How many people actually follow through with the whole thing?
I think not a lot.

But maybe this year i will.
Here are a few for starters:
1. Read the B.O.M.
2. Loose weight
3. Do something productive in my life that helps/encourages others.

I think that's a good starter list.
Maybe (with my mom's new CRICUT) I'll put it on my wall with vinyl. haha.
I think I really WANT to do this.
I've never really made a new years resolution list.
haha, weird.

Well, i should let it slide since i'm only a teenager. :j

P.s. Stake dances are the most fun i've had IN MY LIFE.
Okay, that's a lie. But it was still fun none the less <3

Rickkie Swan: hippo to the extremmmmeee.